Monday 23 January 2012

Research into target audience and production development and advertising

We used the Internet and came across a blog by Joshua Reeves, he looked at the horror film genre and discovered that 48% of horror film lovers are 18-24, however there isn't a prominent difference between sex. If this age group was ignored when producing and advertising a horror film the film would lose a massive amount of revenue, finding your target audience and advertising the film to suit your target audience is where the most money would come from. Although other ages could see the film this would not recover the loss of revenue from ignoring the target audience. Knowing your target audience allows you to push the themes of your film, if you are producing a horror film and know your target audience is between the ages of 18-24 you know that you can add adult themes to your film and push the boundaries of horror, using gory killings and frightening effects. 

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